48 Beckford St. Beverly, MA 01915 | Office: 978.922.0086 | Fax: 978.922.2328

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48 Beckford Street.
Beverly, MA 01915
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Auto Insurance
In the past few years, auto insurance rates in Massachusetts have become extremely
competitive. Companies competing for your business are offering various discounts
including Safe Driver Discounts, Account Discounts if your auto and home are
insured with the same carrier, Good Student Discount, Multi-Car Discount and
many more. These are some of the reasons you should shop for the best price.

Home Insurance
A homeowner policy, well known as an H03 , offers protection on your dwelling as
well as other structures on your property. In addition, it covers your personal
possessions and personal liability. Coverage on certain personal possessions such
jewelry, furs, fine arts etc. is limited unless these items are scheduled. If you rent,
you would need a Tenant’s Homeowner Policy (H04) for coverage on your personal
possessions and personal liability. If you own a condominium, you would need a
Condo Unit-owners policy (H06). When writing a condo unit-owners policy, your
condominium documents are important. Depending on what your needs are,
discuss them with your Agent. Keep in mind that some companies offer various
discounts such as Account Credit if both your home and auto are insured with the
same company, New Home Discount, Renewal credit etc.

Commercial/Business Insurance
Each business is unique. What the business next door has for insurance coverage,
does not mean that’s what you should have. When shopping for insurance, its
important that the agent recognizes your needs and structures the policy to meet
those needs. In most cases, you can purchase a Businessowners policy which
automatically includes most of the coverage you will need. In other cases, your
business may not be eligible for this type of policy and the agent may then offer a
Commercial Package structuring the policy to fit your business.

In addition to Businessowners (Bops) and Commercial Package Policies (CPPs),
look to us for quotes for Workers Compensation, Business Auto, Contractors’
Liability, Commercial Umbrellas, and any other business insurance you may need.